sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013

Lo nuevo de Da Vinci

En Milan han descubierto (en unas estancias donde trabajó Leonardo Da Vinci al servicio del duque Ludovico Sforza a finales del siglo XV), numerosos restos de pintura mural bajo 17 capas de lechada de cal, fuente de la noticia.

MILAN (NBC/EBU) - It has been hidden under layers of whitewash for centuries: New sections of artwork by Leonardo da Vinci have been discovered in Milan. Restoration work at where da Vinci was a court artist in the late 1400s revealed the lost art. The master painter decorated the walls of a room with a mural of trees soaring into a vaulted canopy. Additional scenes were discovered under up to 17 layers of whitewash. Workers restoring the original mural said they uncovered a monochrome section depicting a huge tree root stuck in rock at the base of trees adorning the room. The duke da Vinci was working for at the time also commissioned him to paint "The Last Supper."

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